Garbage, Rubbish, and Recycling
Please remember to respect your neighbors and not leave trash in undesignated areas or outside the dumpsters. We all share in the responsibility of keeping Scenic Ridge clean.
Village of Croton-on-Hudson Department of Public Works
(914) 271-3775
Croton Municipal Recycling Office Phone Number
(914) 271-4781
Please remember that we are all neighbors. It is important that you dispose of your refuse properly. As your neighbors may not follow all these rules, the assessments will continue to increase as the Association will have to hire helpers to maintain the community hygiene.
This increase in costs will affect both owners and, eventually, renters within the Scenic Ridge development.
Residents may leave recyclables in appropriate pickup areas the evening before the day of pickup. Please note that all cardboard boxes must be flattened.
Keep in mind that if you accumulate garbage on your property and it either is in sight of other residents, it creates an odor, or generates some other disturbance or offense to your neighbors, you must remove that garbage in a reasonable amount of time (which is a judgment determined by the Board). If it is not removed, the Board will issue one warning to the unit with a deadline for removal. If that deadline is not met, the Scenic Ridge Board may hire an outside contractor to remove the refuse from the property and charge the cost of that removal directly as an assessment to the responsible unit owners.
No Construction debris, firewood, tree trunks or tires will be picked up. No hazardous chemicals will be picked up. Call the Health Department at (914) 637-3037. Latex and oil base paint can be put in regular garbage provided the paint in the can is completely dried out and the lid is removed. Place dried out paint cans next to regular garbage can.