Q: How does Scenic Ridge differ from a condominium?
Q: I just received a bill for sewerage fees from Jonas Bastys. What is this? Is it legitimate?
Q: How many units are in Scenic Ridge?
Q: How old are the units?
What amenities are in Scenic Ridge?
What do I need if I want to go to the pool and/or playground?
How do I find the pool and playground?
Where is the Common Land/Common Area in Scenic Ridge?
Q: What do I do if I want to sell my home in Scenic Ridge?
Q: What is the fee a new homeowner has to pay to gain membership in the Scenic Ridge Association?
Q: What percentage of homes are rented in Scenic Ridge?
Scenic Ridge is a Planned Unit Development (PUD). A PUD is a type of housing project that has five or more individually owned homes and each owner has a share of ownership of the Common Areas. PUDs are generally found in suburban areas. You own your home and the land it's on, as well as a part of the areas that you share with other homeowners, like the grounds and swimming pool. Similar to a condominium, you have to pay an owners' association monthly fee to maintain the common areas. PUDs may follow a set of strict rules called Covenants, conditions and restrictions, and have By-Laws that specify everything from how maintenance is handled to what color doors you can or cannot have. Homeowners are responsible for structural and other maintenance, whereas in a condominium, the homeowners may not be responsible for them. Condominium homeowners' associations generally reserve the costs for the structural and other major maintenance items and pay for them directly. Unlike in the case of a condominium, the annual assessment fee in a PUD does not cover structural problems and other maintenance items.
Yes. Scenic Ridge and its surrounding areas are not a part of the Village's sewer system. We all must use a private company, Jonas Bastys, which bills us individually based on water usage. All Scenic Ridge homeowners receive invoices from them for this service.
97, consisting of a mix of two and three bedroom units.
The units were built between 1980 and 1984 in various phases. More information is available through the Westchester County Clerk's office for individual units.
There is a full commercial playground with safety surfacing; including a main play structure and two swing bays (one with two adult swings and one with two tot swings). There is a pool that is open during the summer and is accessible to all Scenic Ridge Townhome residents and a limited number of their guests. There are bathrooms next to the pool and a small play area near the playground and pool. We also have a small meeting room that can be rented for private parties. Please see the Pool House Rental Form. All amenities are for residents of the Scenic Ridge Townhomes only. Any guest must be accompanied by a resident.
We no longer use pool passes; but we do require you to sign in. You may be asked to present identification. This control has been implemented to limit the use of the Scenic Ridge facilities to Scenic Ridge Town Home residents and their guests.
You can access the pool from Amber Drive, closer to Wren and Lark Lanes behind the Oriole Lane homes. You cannot access the playground from this side if the pool is not open. You can also access the pool, playground, and play area by following the path behind Oriole Lane that starts at the intersection of Amber Drive and Oriole Lane (the other side of Amber Drive before you get to Robin Lane when following Amber from Scenic Drive West).
The only Common Land/Common Areas are the Pool area, playground area, play area, Bird Lanes' pavement and parking areas, the dumpster areas, and there are some buffer zones (approximately 15 feet wide) bordering the Amberlands and the Audubon Preserve. Otherwise, homeowners within their specific lots own every other piece of property individually. Please click here for a highlighted version of the Subdivision map. The light blue areas are Common Areas; the dark blue area is owned by the Town.
You need to contact the Board letting them know of your intent to sell. Your buyer needs to complete an application form when you are ready to close. Refer to the Scenic Ridge Handbook for more details. The buyer needs to submit a capital fund contribution of one quarter of the current annual assessment upon the purchase of the home in addition to an Administrative Fee also equal to one quarter of the current annual assessment (totaling one half the current annual assessment) to become a member of the Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association. See the Transfer of Membership Application form.
One quarter of the current annual assessment as a Capital Contribution in addition to an Administrative Fee also equal to one quarter of the current annual assessment (totaling one half the current annual assessment) is due upon purchase of a home in Scenic Ridge. Once the fees are paid, the new homeowner will get a receipt for the payment and will become a member of the Homeowners' Association. See the Transfer of Membership Application form. Membership is mandatory for all homeowners in Scenic Ridge.
The percentage can vary, but generally less than 5% of units are rented.
Q: What do I need to do if I want to rent my unit?
Q: Who is responsible for maintenance of my home and land?
Q: What happens if I don't maintain my home and land?
Q: What is the Board responsible for?
First, you need to contact the Board notifying them of your intent to rent. There is an information request form you need to complete that is included in the handbook. There is also a $1,000 annual charge to rent your unit payable every year you rent.
Every homeowner is responsible for structural maintenance of their individual homes and any other pavement or structures on their land. This includes roofs, basements, walls, windows, siding, decks, balconies, driveways, retaining walls, stairs, walkways, stoops, and other structural items. Every homeowner is also responsible for maintaining shrubs, trees, patios, edging, and other landscaping items, including grass (but not mowing).
If your lack of maintenance affects the safety, health, impacts the ability of others to enjoy Scenic Ridge, access, or overall appearance of the community, the Board reserves the right to make the changes directly and levy all the costs associated with the changes (including legal fees and other costs) against the homeowner as part of their annual assessment.
The Board will mow all lawns (as long as they are reasonably accessible), plow snow on all Bird Lanes (Wren, Lark, Oriole and Robin only as Amber Drive is plowed and maintained by the Village of Croton-on-Hudson), remove fallen leaves, maintain the road pavement and curbs of the Bird Lanes, maintain the playground, maintain the pool, and maintain the recreation area and bathhouse. The Board will not plow snow from spaces where cars are parked, nor will they shovel snow between them. The Board will also not mow lawns that present obstructions (e.g. lawn furniture, fences with limited access, child play toys, pets, refuse, construction material, or other debris); the lawns with such obstructions must be maintained by the individual homeowners or the Board may have the debris removed and charge the homeowner directly for all associated costs (including legal fees) as part of their annual assessment. No permanent obstructions may be installed on lawns without the express permission of the Scenic Ridge Board.
Q: What do I need to do if I want to change my home or landscaping?
Q: What colors should I use if I need to touch up my home or trim?
Q: My storm door needs replacement. Which model storm doors are approved?
Please refer to the Scenic Ridge Homeowners' handbook for details on requirements. If you need another copy, they are available at a minimal charge and you can request them by contacting the Scenic Ridge Board via email at info@scenicridgehomeowners.com.
Main Color: Benjamin Moore Custom Natural Cedartone Solid Stain (Y3 - 9 x 31.5000; S1 - 0 x 25.000; W1 - 0 x 7.5000; R3 - 1 x 0.0000). Stain (garage doors, window trim, doors): Benjamin Moore Grandfather Clock Brown.
There are two "approved" storm doors. One is full glass (Andersen 3000 Series 36 In. Storm Door in Terratone, Fullview, with Brass Hardware), the other half glass (EMCO 200 Series 36 In. Storm Door in Bronze, Triple-Track, with Black Hardware ) with a retractable screen. Both are available at Home Depot and similar models are available at Dains Lumber.
Q: My garage door needs replacement. Which model garage door is approved?
The only approved garage door is the Clopay Value Plus Series, 2-layer construction Model #HD 183, brown with plain window for upper panel.
Q: What if I make a change without the Board's approval?
That wouldn't be a good idea because the Board has the right to return your structure and landscaping to its original state and charge you directly for the cost of the reversal of the changes and any associated fees (including legal fees), which can amount to quite a bit of money. It's best to avoid this situation and follow the rules in making changes to your home and land. It's a good idea to run all changes past the Board in writing before starting them as a matter of precaution.
Q: What kind of changes has the Board approved in the past? What changes need to be requested?
The Board has approved changes like adding and removing bushes and trees, installing small fences, deck expansion and replacement, patio expansion and replacement, screen/storm door replacement, garage door replacement, siding replacement, and window replacement. The main concern of the Board is that any changes do not affect the overall safety, health, access, look, and feel of the community. Generally, windows, doors, siding, and garage doors need to be replaced with the same color, material, and style. Overall, minor variations should be fine for items other than windows and siding, but you should request the potential changes anyway to make sure that the Board is aware of them and will not take further steps to have you reverse any changes. Better safe than sorry.
Q: How many cars am I allowed to park in the Scenic Ridge grounds?
Q: Who owns the roads in Scenic Ridge?
Two bedroom units are each designated two parking spots as close to their units as reasonably possible. Three bedroom units have a garage and their driveway, giving them two spots also. There are also designated visitors spots that are open on a first-come, first-serve basis to all. No one car may be parked in a single visitor's spot for seven days consecutively. Parking in areas not designated as parking spots (e.g. unlined areas, near fire hydrants, No Parking areas), or leaving a car in a visitor's spot for seven days or more consecutively, subject the parked car to towing at the owner's expense as the Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association can enforce the parking rules on the Bird Lanes. In summation, every unit is designated two spots and you take a chance by parking any more than two cars in Scenic Ridge.
The Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association holds title to the Bird Lanes (Lark, Wren, Oriole, and Robin) and is responsible for maintenance of only the pavement and curbs on such. Amber Drive is controlled and maintained by the Village of Croton-on-Hudson. The Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association also can enforce the parking rules on the Bird Lanes, including the towing of cars.
Q: How many people are on the Scenic Ridge Board?
There are currently five Scenic Ridge Board members. The Board can consist of anywhere between three and nine members and the members each serve three-year terms.
Q: Who are the officers of Scenic Ridge and how do they differ from the Board?
Scenic Ridge officers are appointed on an annual basis after the Board's annual meeting. The Board members usually serve as officers in order to save costs. Officer positions currently are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Q: When are Scenic Ridge Board meetings held and can I attend?
Board meetings are held on a monthly basis. The dates, times, and locations are posted regularly throughout the community and are included in most written communications with the Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association's membership. The meetings are open to all Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association members.
Q: How much are the monthly assessments and how are they determined?
Q: Why are the Scenic Ridge assessments so inexpensive?
The Board sets an annual budget that is split amongst the Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association membership and the assessments are billed on a quarterly basis. The annual budget is sent to the Scenic Ridge homeowners before the Board's annual meeting for discussion at such meeting.
Costs are minimized since the Association is self-managed by residents; homeowners are responsible for their own structures and land. Many costs a condominium would have to endure, and reserve for, are not applicable in Scenic Ridge. In addition, we enjoy the cost benefits of Village of Croton-on-Hudson trash removal, and that our main road (Amber Drive) is fully maintained by the village.
Q: How can I pay for my annual assessments?
You can send in your payment using a personal check or you may pay by credit card (American Express, Visa and MasterCard). You can download the Credit Card authorization form here. You need to send it to: Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association, One Amber Drive, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520. Any additional fees you wish to charge must be requested in writing and signed by the cardholder. Keep in mind, you are responsible to pay the quarterly assessments even if you do not receive a bill. It is the homeowners' responsibility to be aware of the annual budget and to make quarterly payments on the due dates of January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of every year. Checks must be made payable to "Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association" and sent to: Scenic Ridge Homeowners' Association, One Amber Drive, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520. Payments must be received on or before the due date to avoid additional charges.
Q: What happens if I don't pay my assessments?
Q: Can I pay my annual assessments in advance?
This would not be a good idea as the Board has the right to start legal action and lien proceedings against you and your home. The Board also has the right to charge you for any associated legal fees or other costs as part of your annual assessment. You have thirty days from the due date of the quarterly assessment until you are considered in default and legal proceedings start. The Board will then begin legal action to recover the overdue assessments and any associated legal fees or other costs that are incurred by the Board that result from action taken regarding your overdue payment. Not only may the Board win a judgment to collect the overdue assessments, but also may be successful in completing a recorded lien on your home, preventing you from selling it. In summation, it's a very bad idea to be late with payments.
Yes. We encourage the payment of an entire year up front based on the annual budget's fiscal year in lieu of the quarterly payments. Keep in mind, the billing and receipt is performed by the Board members acting as Officers of the Association, so any other diversion from either an annual or quarterly payment cannot be accepted due to the overhead associated with allowing such types of variations.
Q: Why are there special assessments and when do they get charged?
Special assessments can arise for a number of reasons ranging from emergency repairs to community maintenance. There is no set schedule for special assessments; however, they do need membership approval by a two-thirds majority of a majority of voting homeowners before they are levied (i.e. more than 50% of voting members must cast a vote and two-thirds of those who actually vote in person or by proxy must approve the special assessment).
Q: How much money does the Association have in its bank accounts?
That can vary from day to day. Account balances are documented in the monthly Board meeting minutes and are available for examination by Association members.
Q: What insurance does the Association carry?
Q: Who pays for property taxes?
Q: Where does Scenic Ridge get its water?
Q: What fuel do Scenic Ridge residents use for heating, cooking, and hot water?
Q: Where can I walk my pet(s)?
Q: Who removes the Scenic Ridge garbage?
Q: How can I get in touch with the Scenic Ridge Board?
The Association has policies for general commercial liability, workmen's compensation, and automobile insurance. If you need more details, please contact the Scenic Ridge Board via email at info@scenicridgehomeowners.com.
Homeowners pay property taxes on their individual lots (School Tax, Township Tax, and Village Tax). The Association pays property taxes for the Common Area land and structures. The Board holds the title to the Common property, although it is owned in part by all the Scenic Ridge Association members. Homeowners may also be entitled to deduct a pro-rata share of the real estate taxes the Association pays. Please consult your tax advisor.
Scenic Ridge gets its water supply from the Village of Croton-on-Hudson well water and is tied into the Village sewer, not septic tanks. You should check your unit's water pressure regularly to determine whether you need water pressure reducers if one is not already installed. You can consult a licensed plumber regarding this issue if you are unsure.
Scenic Ridge uses natural gas.
You can walk your pet(s) anywhere on your own lot. If your pet is allowed outside an enclosed area, Village Law requires that your pet(s), particularly dogs, be leashed when outside your residence. You can walk your pet(s) on the sidewalks, but must clean up after them diligently. Individual homeowners own the walkways and they have the right to deny you access if they so choose. You CANNOT walk your pet(s) in the play area or anywhere in the recreation areas, including the pool and playground.
The Village of Croton-on-Hudson Department of Public Works provides garbage disposal and recyclable removal services. Please refer to the details about proper garbage disposal in the Scenic Ridge Handbook. You may be charged against your annual assessment if you don't follow the rules and that can be costly for many major appliances (especially air conditioners and dryers), and bulk garbage, including furniture, landscaping refuse, and carpeting.
The Scenic Ridge Board can be reached via email at info@scenicridgehomeowners.com. You can also send mail via the U.S. Postal Service to One Amber Drive, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520. Packages cannot be sent to this address, as it is only a mailbox. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for the Board to respond.
Q: Where can I get a copy of the subdivision map?
You can go to the Westchester County Clerk's office in White Plains and get a copy of Map 20668. You can find the Land Records Division in Room 345, 110 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (formerly: Grove Street), White Plains, New York 10601 and the phone number is (914) 995-3080. Their hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. You may also download an unofficial copy here in 8 1/2 X 14 (1.9 MB) or 6 1/2 X 11 (1.3 MB) formats.